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Get started today by putting your money to work to feel confident in your retirement.


Let us partner with you to help manage your church organization’s assets for the development of its ministries.


Managing your money doesn’t have to be difficult. Learn how to manage your finances from a biblical perspective.

What Others are Saying about Richland Ave Financial

Don Myers
Don MyersWorship Pastor, Kirby Church
"Richland Ave Financial has been an effective tool to grow our family’s finances. The unique benefits offered to ministers through their investment options has helped us make a sound plan for our financial future. We are very thankful for the professionalism, customer service and rate of return that we have received as a plan participant for the past 25 years."
Joshua Riggs
Joshua RiggsPastor of Operations, Rejoice Church
"RAF has been a huge partner for 20+ years. When I started investing in my early 20’s I didn’t know anything! Over the years they have been helpful (and patient) to answer my questions and give me guidance on my portfolio. My investments have grown consistently which gives me peace of mind for the future. I am thankful for our partnership."
Matt Pinson
Matt PinsonPresident, Welch College
"When Welch College ended its long-standing pension plan, we began our involvement with Richland Ave Financial, with whom I had been investing for many years as a minister. I confidently recommend Richland Ave Financial to our employees and others, not just because of their wise investment strategy but because of the rock-solid integrity of their staff."
Jim McComas
Jim McComasExecutive Director/CEO, Free Will Baptist Family Ministries
“I have been a participant in the Richland Ave Financial plan for three decades, dating all the way back to when I was a young pastor. Its steady, consistent performance over the years, along with the great customer service you receive from their helpful support staff, makes it the easy choice to be our “go-to” plan for our employees at Family Ministries. We are thankful for the long and fruitful relationship we have had with Richland Ave Financial and look forward to it continuing for many years to come.”
Tim York
Tim YorkLead Pastor, The Grove Church/Rejoice Church; Moderator, NAFWB
“Richland Ave Financial is one of the greatest assets in the life of the local pastor and an awesome way for a church to be a blessing to their pastor. Richland Ave Financial has had and will have a major impact on my life and my family.”
Ron Hunter Jr.
Ron Hunter Jr.CEO of D6 Family Ministry
"Richland Avenue Financial is unmatched in its field! Their unwavering commitment to ethical investment practices, diverse portfolio options, and consistently strong returns make them a trusted steward of your financial future. I encourage you to start investing, even if it feels like a stretch—consistency is key. Randall House and D6 Family Ministry have relied on Richland Avenue Financial for our employees’ retirement plan for decades, and I wholeheartedly recommend them."
Eddie Moody
Eddie MoodyExecutive Director, NAFWB
"I am always impressed by the product Richland Ave Financial provides. As a bivocational pastor I participated in the retirement program offered by my university. We had a really good retirement program. However, I was able to compare the BOR program to it every month. Our program is as good or better than any other program out there. I have had the opportunity to experience that firsthand."
Tommy Swindol
Tommy SwindolLead Pastor, The Donelson Fellowship
"I am so grateful for Richland Ave Financial and their work with churches and pastors! They are tremendously excellent in what they do, caring in their approach, and readily available to answer our questions at any time. My family is blessed to be able to take advantage of their services!"
Clint Morgan
Clint MorganGeneral Director, IM, Inc.
"As I approach retirement, I am very thankful that our denomination had the foresight to set up a program (i.e. Richland Ave Financial) that assists my wife and I to better prepare for those days when there are no more salary deposits coming our way. It gives me great peace to know that the men and women working at Richland Ave Financial are people of great integrity who prayerfully, and therefore carefully, invest the funds I send their way."

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